Healing naturally is entirely possible.
Hi. I’m Jeana Kaufman. I’m an Occupational Therapist, the founder of Holistic Alaska, and the top provider of lymphedema therapy in the state of Alaska.
I’ve always been passionate about natural healing methods. In 2023, I expanded my training and became certified in trigger point dry needling.
I know when and if dry needling is appropriate, safe, and able to help you get out of pain.
By blending these healing methods together, I help you get to the root of your pain and reach a new level of wellness.
Not only will I treat you on the massage table, but I’ll recommend effective lifestyle changes that you can take home with you.
Together, we’ll unlock pain points and problem areas within your body that make you feel better and on the path to living your best life.
Certified Manual Trigger Point Therapist / Dry Needling (CMTPT/DN)
Occupational Therapist (OTR/L)
Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT)
To learn more about treatment for lymphedema, you can visit my Lymphedema Therapy of Alaska website by clicking the button below.
I’m certified to treat muscles from the hips through the head.
I currently do not offer trigger point dry needling on the legs or feet.
A comprehensive list of muscles I treat is listed below.
Infraspinatus, a rotator cuff muscle, "Side-Sleeper's Nemesis"
Teres Minor, a rotator cuff muscle, "Thrower's Trial"
Teres Major, "Forgotten Shoulder Aggravator"
Latissimus Dorsi, "Mid-back Manipulator"
Subscapularis, a rotator cuff muscle, "Pseudo Frozen Shoulder"
Biceps, "Upper Arm Agitator"
Brachialis, "Snuffbox Scourge"
Triceps and Anconeus, "Elbow Excruciators"
Supinator, "Elbow and Thumb Sabateur"
Multifidus muscle C2-L5
Posterior Cervicals (including Multifidus), "Iron Man Helmet"
Levator Scapulae, "Crick in the Neck"
Scalenes, "Pseudo-Radiculopathy"
Sternocleidomastoid, "Migraine and Sinus Headache Imposter"
Pectoralis Major, "Chest and Shoulder Nuisance"
Pectoralis Minor, Thoracic Outlet Imposter"
Deltoid, "Overt Botherer"
Supraspinatus, a rotator cuff muscle, "Overhead Activity Archenemy"
Brachioradialis and Wrist Extensors, "Pseudo Tennis Elbow"
Wrist and Finger Flexors in the Forearm, "Pseudo Golfer's Elbow and Gripping Gripers"
Extensor Digitorum and Extensor Indicis, "Painful Pointers"
Adductor and Opponens Pollicis, "Clumsy Thumb"
Interosseous, Lumbrical, and Abductor Digiti Minimi, "Hand Cramper's"
Thoracolumbar Paraspinals (including Multifidus), "Ropey Rivals"
Quadratus Lumborum, "Joker of Low Back Pain"